Pride month is one of our favorites here at Herbivore, with many of our own being members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We love to celebrate each year at this time and year ‘round in a myriad of ways.

Parties and parades abound at this time of year, but Pride is also a feeling—an essence to be embodied. Herbivore founder Julia Wills was meditating at Seattle’s Volunteer Park during Pride season when she came up with the idea for our much-loved Prism Exfoliating Glow Potion. Inspired by this story, we’ve conjured the following meditation to envelop your soul in rainbow magic, amplify feelings of self-love, and call on the spirit of the season:

If you only have five minutes to spare, be it while you’re on the bus or on a break, this meditation will bring you back into energetic alignment. Tidy your space, removing any extraneous distractions, and sit comfortably however you can, preferably outdoors if weather serves.

  • Take ten deep, slow and steady breaths, letting your belly area expand first as you inhale, letting air fill your lungs like a glass being filled from the bottom up. 
  • Close your eyes and imagine that you are floating on a rainbow cloud in a clear blue sky. There are birds in the distance, and fluffy white cumulus clouds nearby.
  • Imagine the spectrum of light swirling and twirling around your body. Relax and enjoy the colors.
  • Let the light form a river of energy that flows from the bottom of your spine up through the top of your head. Imagine that river becoming a gentle mist that reforms into the cloud you reside upon.
  • Now, shift your focus to the base of your spine. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of red light gently rotating there. This is the base energy center in the body, which rules passion and connection.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.
  • Now, shift your focus to the middle of your lower abdomen. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of orange light gently rotating there. This is the womb energy center in the body, which rules creativity and nurturing.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.
  • Now, shift your focus to the area just below your ribcage. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of yellow light gently rotating there. This is the solar plexus energy center in the body, which rules power and motivation.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.
  • Now, shift your focus to the center of your chest. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of green light rotating there. This is the heart energy center in the body, which rules love and compassion.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.
  • Now, shift your focus to your throat. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of blue light gently rotating there. This is the throat energy center in the body, which rules channeling, voice and communication.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.
  • Now, shift your focus to the center of your forehead, just above the eyebrows. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of indigo light gently rotating there. This is the third eye energy center in the body, which rules thought, insight, and intuition.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.
  • Now, shift your focus to the top of your head. Imagine a glowing, misty orb of violet light gently rotating there. This is the crown energy center in the body, which rules spirituality and divine connection.
  • Allow this orb to spin slowly, gently releasing stale or blocked energy back into the universe, while pulling in new energy and inspiration.
  • Pause to enjoy this sensation while continuing your slow and steady breathing.

You are now fully aligned from the base of your spine to the top of your head. You are ready to go out into the world and create positive shifts and change. You are a powerful beacon, radiating rainbow light that permeates all you come into contact with. See this energy contained in a beautiful aura that others can sense and feel. You will inspire others to feel and spread similar energy. You are a beautiful manifestation of divine energy. 

Thank you for joining us for this meditation. 

Go forth, rainbow warrior! 

Happy Pride!

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