For a limited time, $1 per sale of PRISM Exfoliating Glow Potion will be donated to Immigration Equality, an organization providing free legal services for LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants in the United States. With a remarkable 99% win rate and hundreds of clients at a time, this organization provides much-needed assistance in support of LGBTQIA+ immigration rights.

Immigration Equality’s caseload grows each year, as does the org’s need for support in the form of donations. It is our honor at Herbivore to contribute to this life-changing organization that has been providing free, direct legal service to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-positive immigrants for over twenty years.

The idea for PRISM Exfoliating Glow Potion came to our founder, Julia Wills, while she was meditating in Volunteer Park in Seattle, a location that has hosted LGBTQIA+ Pride-related events for years. With ingredients such as Kakadu plum, aloe, and orange peel citric acid, this potion offers a rainbow of prismatic brightening effects that reflect the magic of the rainbow.

It was Julia’s intent that PRISM help to serve the LGBTQIA+ community, and since its launch, PRISM sales have raised tens of thousands of dollars for organizations such as the Trans Women of Color Collective and the Queer & Trans Youth Music Project in Seattle. Lino Elsasser, Herbivore’s Customer Experience Lead, has selected Immigration Equality as our newest PRISM-dedicated organization. Check out this brief interview regarding their selection:

HB: What initially drew you to Immigration Equality?

LE: Immigration Equality stands out as the preeminent organization devoted to providing LGBTQ and HIV+ immigrants and refugees with direct-action legal counsel, as well as working at the policy level, to ensure that people persecuted for their identities in their countries of origin are able to be offered protection and equitable legal rights in our country.
In the current global and specifically American political climate, LGBTQ immigrants are an especially vulnerable population and therefore deserve to have their rights guarded. The invaluable work that this organization does fighting for people marginalized by borders, identity, and class status shines as a glaring example of strong anti-oppression work and for this reason, seemed to fit perfectly with the message of philanthropy and pride associated with PRISM.

HB: What do you think is most important about their work and services?

LE: As many immigrants and refugees find themselves in need of asylum, they do so often coming from places where they have been stripped of their rights, safety, and resources, requiring them to seek shelter elsewhere. This aspect of being degraded and devalued is dehumanizing. It is particularly important that Immigration Equality helps formerly-persecuted LGBTQ and HIV+ people regain their dignity in ways that empower and strengthen on an individual, and further, a community level.
Through organizing Pro Bono legal representation, offering in-house legal direction, and prioritizing client-driven policy work, Immigration Equality sets an example for the intersectional improvement of the condition of the global LGBTQIA+ and HIV+ Communities at large.

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