Crystal of the Month: Amethyst

February’s crystal is Amethyst, a divine purple-hued stone though to enhance endocrine health, spiritual thought, and emotional healing particularly during periods of grief.  Working through strife, anxiety or depression? This crystal’s ability to move emotional energy while bringing calmness to the mind boosts mental focus under stress. Creative flow gets a boost as well, making…

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Prism magic is incredibly healing and inspiring. There are many ways to incorporate this magic into your lifestyle for benefits including enhanced vitality, compassion and beauty. Skincare products that prismatically refract light create a full-spectrum glow by illuminating your skin from all angles. Blends like our (newly reformulated!) Prism Exfoliating Glow Potion and Rose Quartz Body Oil infuse your…

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New Moon in Gemini

The zodiac is divided into four elemental groups: air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries), water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Within each of those groups, there is a cardinal sign, which possesses the strongest leadership traits, a fixed sign, which is the most steadfast of the three, and a mutable sign, which…

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Gemini Self-Care

Gemini season, May 21st through June 21st, is represented by twins. Like Libra and Aquarius, Gemini is an air sign, governed by the forces of breath, communication, and connectivity. Themes that are likely to arise this season are duality, mirroring, critical thinking, openness to change, creativity, fluctuation, and friendship. With regard to wellness, we’ve taken…

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